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What is Invisaflects?

What is Invisaflects®?

Invisaflects® is a unique set of coatings including White Lightscene, Reflective Roof Technology Elastomeric Paint, Angel Air, and Diamond. Each product offers a distinct benefit to the user.


White LightScene – A specialized primer utilizing ceramic microsphere technology used by NASA to reflect heat. White LightScene can be used indoors or outdoors and carries a 10 year indoor warranty and 5 year outdoor warranty.

Angel Air – A specialized paint containing both ceramic microspheres to reflect heat and patented negative ion technology to improve air quality.

Reflective Roof Technology Elastomeric Paint – A roof specific paint which insulates with ceramic microspheres while also creates an extremely cool roof through reflective color properties. Reflective Roof Technology can expand and contract with temperature change making it ideal for use in extreme climates. In addition, it can withstand standing water for prolonged periods making it the “Cool Roof” choice for flatrooves, travel trailers, mobile homes, and commercial buildings.

Diamond – A nearly invisible self leveling coating for glass that can stop 90% of infra-red light, 99% of Ultraviolet light, while allowing 75% of visible light to pass through.


Q: How much does Invisaflects® cost?
A: Invisaflects can be purchased by the end user to apply on their own or by one of our certified professionals through out the country.

Call 319-929-9915 to locate a certified Invisaflects dealer in your area who can help you with your purchase.


Q: I live in a northern climate; will Invisaflects® work for me?
A: Absolutely! Adding Invisaflects® insulating paint to the interior walls of your home will help stop heat loss to the outside and keep you comfortable in your home.  Remember that heat travels to cold. The heat inside your home wants to escape toward the cold outside air. Invisaflects® prevents heat from escaping your home!


Q: How many coats of Invisaflects® should I apply?
A: For best results, only 2 coats of Invisaflects® are recommended. Invisaflects® is an excellent insulating barrier. Anything more than 2 coats gives only a marginal increase in performance.


Q: Should I use Invisaflects® both inside and outside?
A: Yes! For the optimum in energy efficiency it is best to use Invisaflects® both inside and out. However, either application alone will give you increased energy efficiency which in turn drives down utility bills and increases comfort year round!


Q: How much Invisaflects® do I need?
A: Our five gallon system will normally coat an average of 1000 square feet of surface area two times as recommended.


Q: Can Invisaflects® be sprayed?
A: Yes! But since Invisaflects® is a ceramic microsphere technology, simply remove all filters from your spraying equipment or the insulating properties will be strained. It’s also best to use a larger than normal spray tip to allow as much Invisaflects® to be applied to surfaces and provide more insulation to your home. Wagner Power Rollers can also be used. Always wear proper eye protection when painting with any paint.

How It Works

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The image on the left is a thermographic image showing the areas of high heat loss (red and yellow) from a home. You will notice the roof shows up blue which means that there is little heat loss from this area.

Invisaflects® reduces unwanted radiant heat loss and heat gain into a structure. If the home above were painted with Invisaflects® all but the windows would show up blue in a thermographic image meaning less heat loss from the walls painted with Invisaflects® in winter and less heat gain in summer and thus a more energy efficient home.

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Pictured on the left you can see the building in the back ground is glowing yellow and red where heat is being lost by being radiated out of the structure. In the foreground you will see a well insulated building complete with low-e glass which shows up in cool blues and green meaning little heat loss. Thus a more energy efficient home.

As you can see from the visual references above, Invisaflects® Technology can easily improve your effective home insulation with our unique home insulating technology.

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Thermal view of bedroom ceiling before Invisaflects®.

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Invisaflects® Technology has unique energy savings properties that reflect heat providing a unique and highly effective radiant barrier. The specially coated hollow ceramic microspheres reflect heat from sources such as direct sunlight or your homes heater and causes you to feel warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. The ceramic particles in Invisaflects® Technology heat reflecting paint improve your home insulation by adding a thermal barrier. The particles inside this ceramic paint refract, reflect and dissipate heat.

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Invisaflects® ceramic paint has unique energy savings properties that reflect heat providing a unique and highly effective radiant barrier. The hollow ceramic microspheres reflect heat from sources such as direct sunlight or your homes heater and causes you to feel warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer. The ceramic particles in Invisaflects® heat reflecting paint improve your home insulation by adding a thermal barrier. The particles inside this ceramic paint refract, reflect and dissipate heat.

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